Campus Safety & Security employee showing three female students a campus map.

University of Mary: Safe and Secure

The University of Mary is committed to maintaining a safe and secure campus environment for students, faculty, staff, and visitors. Here are some of the ways you can help ensure the safety of our campus:

  • Dial 8000 or 911
    To contact Campus Safety and Security, you can call 701-355-8000 from any hardline or cell phone. In addition, you can call 8000 from any campus phone. For any emergency where a police officer, the fire department, or an ambulance is needed, call 911.
  • Review Our Emergency Resources
    We’ve developed an Emergency Operations Plan and Emergency Response Guide (flip chart) that outlines the appropriate contacts and plans of action for potential emergencies that may arise on campus.
  • Emergency Notification System (ENS)
    For the safety of our community, the most up-to-date mobile/cell number provided by students and employees will be automatically enrolled in our Emergency Notification System (ENS). Being enrolled in our ENS allows students and employees to receive communication for all emergency notifications (including inclement weather/school closures). Those wishing personally to assume the risk of missing emergency notifications may opt out of ENS text notifications by texting “stop” in response to the first text notification. Those without a mobile/cell number or opt-out of text notifications will receive emergency notifications via UMary email only.

Keep Cell Phone Numbers Up-To-Date

Students and employees who need to update their mobile/cell phone numbers may do so by visiting

If an emergency should occur, family members of our students and staff may stay informed by visiting

Monthly Test of Our Emergency Notifications

In collaboration with the Burleigh County Emergency Management (BCEM), the University of Mary conducts a monthly test of its Emergency Notification System (ENS) on the last Friday of each month at 9:30 AM. During the monthly test, all individuals who have signed up to receive emergency notifications will receive the following message: This is a test of the Emergency Notification System. Please go to for further information.

At the request of the BCEM, the university's test is scheduled to coincide with their emergency sirens. The purpose of the university's test is three-fold:

  1. The monthly test message provides verification to students, faculty, and staff who are registered on the emergency notification system. Users who receive the test can be confident they will receive messages in the event of an emergency.
  2. It provides an opportunity for university personnel responsible for sending emergency messages to practice sending messages in the event of an actual emergency.
  3. It provides the university and BCEM an opportunity to verify that our systems are operating correctly and communicating with one another.

Have Questions?

We're here to help. Call Campus Safety and Security at 701-355-8000 or email us.